Scholarships & Benefits

Scholarships & Benefits

4-Year or 3-Year Advanced Designee Scholarships:

Apply for a four-year scholarship while you are still in high school, and you could go to college for free! A four-year scholarship will cover all your tuition and fees at any school (or room and board at schools where tuition is less). That’s just the tuition benefits! Include the monthly stipend and a $600 a semester books allowance and a 4-year scholarship at Providence College is worth over $200,000.

Four-year winners will be expected to come to college physically and mentally prepared. Army ROTC is a challenging, rewarding extra effort for any college student. Four-year scholarships are given to only the best in high school. Excellent grades, higher SAT/ACT test scores, extracurricular activities, and physical fitness are important factors in the selection process. The Patriot Battalion sets a higher standard for each and every student; getting a four year Army ROTC scholarship is an achievement that you will be proud of for the rest of your life. Four-year scholarship recipients will be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in the active force or in the National Guard or Reserves.

How Winners are Chosen
Selection of winners is based on academic record, SAT or ACT test results, school officials’ evaluations and/or recommendations, extracurricular, leadership, and athletic activities. A personal interview and a physical aptitude exam are also taken into consideration. The awarding of an Army ROTC scholarship is merit-based.

Who’s Eligible?

  • You are eligible for a four-year scholarship if you are ready to begin college as a full-time freshman, have no prior college experience, and meet the following requirements:
  • You are a U.S. Citizen
  • You will be 17 before the scholarship is effective.
  • You’ve taken the SAT or ACT no later than November of the year you apply.
  • You have above a 2.5 GPA.
  • You participate in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities. (A part-time job earns you substitute credit.)
  • You’ll be under 26 on June 30 of the year you expect to graduate. (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension of up to three years.)
  • You’re a high school graduate or have equivalent credit.
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You pursue an Army approved academic major.
  • You meet required physical standards.
  • Your ROTC Commitment

As a winner of a four-year scholarship, you are required to take ROTC class(es) each year. The time commitment ranges from one to four hours/week depending on the student’s academic year. Upon graduation, you have an obligation to accept a commission and serve full time in the Active Army for four years, and an additional 4 years in the ready reserves.

ROTC 4-Year High School Scholarship Application
(opens in a new tab)

ROTC’S Commitment to You
In addition to helping you meet the escalating cost of going to college, our program provides an experience that successful careers are built on. You’ll be given personal, scholastic and professional training no other college course offers. You’ll learn how to take charge, how to perform under pressure, and how to lead and inspire others. You’ll graduate with the kind of leadership and management skills that employers value. That makes ROTC a step in a very smart direction.

When to Apply
By going to you can and should apply on line during the summer before or fall of your senior year. The deadline is January 10th of your senior year of high school, and you will usually have an additional month to complete your application. There are two ways to receive a scholarship offer, from Cadet Command based on results of the centralized boards, or from the individual ROTC battalions as a “campus based” offer. The secret to success it to establish and maintain a dialogue with the recruiting officer at each ROTC battalion you are interested in.

3-Year Scholarship:

Army ROTC offers students who have an interest in ROTC an opportunity to apply for three- and two-Year Scholarships during their freshman or sophomore year, respectively. These scholarships take effect in the beginning of the next academic semester.

The Scholarship
Scholarship benefits include tuition payments for the remaining academic semesters in the degree program. Each applicant is considered for each of these scholarship levels. In addition to the awarded scholarship, the winner receives a flat rate of $600 annually for books, supplies and equipment, as well as $250-$500 tax-free/month (while in school).

How Winners are Chosen
Selection of winners is based on performance in academic studies, military science course if already enrolled in ROTC, successfully passing the Physical Aptitude Exam or Army Physical Readiness test, a personal interview and observation by the Professor of Military Science, and demonstrated motivation toward an Army career. The awarding of an Army ROTC scholarship is merit-based.

Who’s Eligible?

  • You are eligible for a three-year scholarship if you have already completed one semester of college and meet the following requirements:
  • You are a U.S. Citizen
  • You’ve taken the SAT or ACT no later than November of the year you apply.
  • You have a minimum 2.5 GPA in your college courses.
  • You are recommended by the Professor of Military Science.
  • You’ll be under 25 on June 30 of the year you expect to graduate. (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension of up to four years.)
  • You’re a high school graduate or have equivalent credit.
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You pursue an Army approved academic major.
  • You meet required physical standards.
  • Your ROTC Commitment

As a winner of a three-year scholarship, you are required to take ROTC classes each year. The time commitment ranges from one to four hours/week depending on the student’s academic year. Upon graduation, you have an obligation to accept a commission and serve full-time in the Active Army, or part-time in either the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve.

ROTC’S Commitment to You
In addition to helping you meet the escalating cost of going to college, our program provides an experience that successful careers are built on. You’ll be given personal, scholastic and professional training no other college course offers. You’ll learn how to take charge, how to perform under pressure, and how to lead and inspire others. You’ll graduate with the kind of leadership and management skills that employers value. That makes ROTC a step in a very smart direction.

2-Year Scholarship:

Two-year Army ROTC scholarships are available for anyone who has two remaining years of college left, or possibly for use in graduate-level coursework. Attending the Cadet Basic Course, and receiving a 2-year award is a good option for second- or third-year students, depending if you are in a 4- or 5-year major; graduate students may also apply for 2-year scholarships.

A two-year award winner will receive the following benefits: two years of full tuition and fees, a monthly stipend, and book money. This makes your last two years of college easier financially, and provides you with a definite job once you graduate. Under a 2-year scholarship, you will be commissioned as an active duty 2nd Lieutenant. You can apply for Reserve Forces Duty, but understand that it is not guaranteed.

Green-to-Gold Program:

The Green-to-Gold program seeks talented young enlisted soldiers who have decided to leave, or are considering leaving active duty to attend college. Quality enlisted soldiers with officer potential, who have served at least two years on active duty, are allowed to voluntarily request discharge from active duty to enroll in Army ROTC.

Upon completing the program, you can earn baccalaureate degrees and a commission as a Second Lieutenant. Four, three and two-year scholarships are available, as well as a two-year non-scholarship option. If you are enlisted in the U.S. Army, you may be eligible to apply for a four-, three-, or two-year Green-to-Gold scholarship.

Qualifications and Requirements (Four Year Scholarship):

  • Meet the same citizenship, age, and physical requirements as other applicants for the regular Four Year Scholarship.
  • Apply to a four year College or University and be accepted as an academic freshman by the fall of the year of the award.
  • Complete at least two years of active duty prior to discharge date and complete at least three months of service for every month of specialized training you received.
  • Be under 25 years old on June 30 of the year you expect to graduate and receive your officer’s commission. However, extensions of one year may be granted (up to a total of four) for each year of active duty you have served (e.g. with two years of active service, you must be under 27 at the time of appointment).
  • Have a minimum SAT of 850 or ACT of 19.
  • Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test and achieve a score of 180 or higher with a minimum of 60 points in each event.
  • Meet other selection criteria as prescribed by regulation.
  • Qualifications and Requirements (Three and Two Year Scholarships)
  • Meet above requirements (except SAT/ACT minimum).
  • Be accepted as an academic sophomore (for a three-year scholarship), or as an academic junior (for a two-year scholarship) at a college or university offering Army ROTC.
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale on all previous college work.
  • Have a GT score of 115 or higher.

The Selection Process:

  • Green-to-Gold scholarships for active duty enlisted will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:
  • Academic achievement or equivalent credit.
  • Leadership potential.
  • Demonstrated motivation towards an Army career.
  • The recommendation of your commanding officer.

How to Apply:

To apply for these scholarships, you should write for an application between December 1 and March 1 to the following address:

Army ROTC Scholarships (AD)
Fort Monroe, VA 23651-5000

or contact us at 401.865.2269 or

LTC Jason Kneib

Professor of Military Science
Alumni Hall LL15B

Recruiting Operations Officer

Alumni Hall LL15A