Training and Leadership
Training and Leadership
Leadership Labs (LLABS)
Leadership Labs are held bi-weekly and focus on military skills training and small unit leadership. Leadership Labs take cadets out of the classroom and into a field environment where they can develop their skills. Leadership Labs cover a wide range of military skills to include;
- Warrior Skills Training
- Radio Communications
- First Aid Training
- Land Navigation
- Team, Squad and Platoon Situational Exercises
Leadership Training Exercise (LTX)
The Leadership Training Exercise is the capstone ROTC event each semester. The LTX is a three-day training exercise held off campus at a local military instillation once a semester. The LTX is a challenging and rewarding weekend where cadets develop and refine their leadership skills. LTX events typically consist of air assault operations, warrior skills training, confidence and obstacle courses, field craft and a ruck march.
Physical Readiness Training (PRT)
Physical Readiness Training is held three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 0630-0730. Training is held on the Providence College Campus on Mondays and Fridays for all cadets in the program. Wednesday morning PRT is held at the individual campuses of the Battalion.
UMASS Dartmouth cadets will attend PRT on their campus Monday and Wednesday mornings and will attend Friday PRT at Providence College.
Ranger Challenge Team
The Ranger Challenge is the varsity sport for ROTC, The Ranger Challenge Competition is held annually during the Fall Semester. The competition focuses on solider skills and physical fitness and is both mentally and physically challenging. The competition allows all 42 ROTC programs in the Northeast to compete against each other for the title of Best Ranger Challenge Team.
During the fall semester The Ranger Challenge Team attends a PRT five days a week in order to prepare for the competition. All cadets are encouraged to attend tryouts.
Color Guard Teams
The Patriot Battalion is home to three NCAA Division I Athletic Programs as well as several Division III Programs. The Patriot Battalion cadets have the opportunity to serve on several Color Guard Teams responsible for the presentation of the National and School Colors at sporting events and other important social gatherings. Color Guards are a great way for cadets to honor the country and communities they serve by presenting the colors at these events. Notable Patriot Battalion Color Guard events include;
- 2015 Frozen Four College Hockey Playoffs, TD Garden, Boston MA
- 2015 College Hockey National Championship, TD Garden, Boston MA
- Providence College Basketball Home Games, Dunkin Donut’s Center, Providence RI
- Providence College Hockey Home Games, Schneider Arena, Providence RI
- Bryant University Football Home Games, Bernie Stadium, Smithfield RI
- Brown University Football Home Games, Brown Stadium, Providence RI
- Rhode Island Salute to Veterans Waterfire, Waterplace Park, Providence RI
Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
Cadets can apply for the simultaneous membership program and enlist in the National Guard or Army Reserves while remaining an ROTC cadet. SMP cadets join a local National Guard or Reserve Unit and attend drill weekends once a month. During these drill weekends SMP cadets will gain addition knowledge and experience by participating in all required training and “shadowing” the officers of that unit. SMP cadets from the Patriot Battalion have been assigned to several different local units in the Guard and Reserves to include Field Artillery, Infantry and Military Police units as well as Aviation and Civil Affairs units to name a few.
During the summer months cadets have the opportunity to apply for several Army Specialized Schools, Federal Internships, Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT), Overseas Cultural Understanding and Leadership Training and Project Global Officer Language Programs.
U.S Army Specialized Schools and Cadet Summer Training:
All Contracted Cadets attend the four-week Cadet Leader Course (CLC) in Fort Knox, Kentucky during the summer between their junior and senior year. Contracted freshmen and sophomore cadets have the opportunity to attend the four-week Cadet Basic Course (CBC) during the summers of their freshmen and sophomore years. Any newly contracted cadet who missed part of the basic course curriculum will attend the Cadet Basic Course to catch-up to their peer group. More information on the Army Specialized Schools and Cadet Leadership and Training Opportunities is located at the left of this page.
LTC Jason Kneib
Professor of Military Science
Alumni Hall LL15B
Mr. Stephen Holmes
Recruiting Operations Officer
Alumni Hall LL15A
Department of Military Science and Leadership
Providence College Army ROTC
Providence College
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 02918